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Digital Writing / Blogging (5 Hours Online)

3, 6 and 9 installment options for Credit Card

What We Will Learn:

Digital Authoring / Blogging Technical Training

What is digitalization and what is the logic of digitalization,
What is authorship? What is digital authoring?
What is blog writing, which channels can be written?
Can you make money by blogging? Can a hobby turn into a job? What are the stages? What is SEO How to write SEO compatible articles?

How do we get ads on our blog site?
Opening a blog on blogger and registering on your behalf (with

Information about the Blogger panel and publishing our first blog post?

WhatsApp Support

Digital Writing / Blogging

3, 6 and 9 installment options for Credit Card


Technological developments and digitalization have caused change and transformation in many areas. One of the activities affected by this is writing. Digitization has also changed the practice of writing, and now it is possible to reach millions of people with one click.

In this training/seminar, starting from digital writing, you will be an active blogger by addressing the most basic elements of blogging. You can do this for hobby and development if you want. If you want, you can earn passive income by turning it into a business model or it can become your entire business with a venture.

Digital Writing / Blogging

3, 6 and 9 installment options for Credit Card

Training/Seminar Program:

1-Introduction to authorship and digitization

2-Why should you write a blog?


3-Technical parts for blogging


4-Blogging and monetization


5-Creating a blog page

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